Developing a Web Caching architecture with configurable consistency: A proposal

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1 Cita (Scopus)


In recent years, Web Caching has been considered one of the key areas to improve web usage efficiency. However, caching web objects proposes many considerations about the validity of the cache. Ideally, it would be valuable to have a consistent cache, where no invalid relationships among objects are held. Several alternatives have been offered to keep consistency in the web cache, each one being better in different situations and for diverse requirements. Usually, web cachers implement just one strategy for maintaining consistency, sometimes giving bad results if circumstances are not appropriate for such strategy. Given that, a web cacher where this policy can be adapted to different situations, will offer good results in an execution with changing conditions. A web caching architecture is proposed as a testbed for consistency models, allowing both timing and ordering issues to be considered.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaWEBIST 2005 - 1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings
Número de páginas7
EstadoPublicada - 2005
Evento1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2005 - Miami, FL, Estados Unidos
Duración: 26 may 200528 may 2005

Serie de la publicación

NombreWEBIST 2005 - 1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings


Conferencia1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2005
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
CiudadMiami, FL


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