Behavior of a portable solar dryer for pineapple fiber

Róger Moya, Marco Solano

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In Costa Rica, there has been a growing interest to use pineapple fiber from plant, for which current processes need to be improved or new processes need to be developed, with emphasis on drying methods. This work presents the design and evaluation of the behavior of a prototype portable solar dryer in four sites of Costa Rica. The design describes the main parts of the dryer, as well as how they were constructed. The behavior was evaluated according to temperature and relative humidity inside e outside the chamber, and the influence of direct and indirect solar radiation. In order to achieve improved dryer efficiency, a dehumidifier was used to control relative humidity, and a heating system was implemented during the hours of low temperature, low solar radiation and high relative humidity. Based on drying time, final moisture content of fibers of pineapple leaves from plant, and the varying hours when fibers were put to dry, the evaluation of the dryer revealed that the best fiber-drying interval is from 6h00 to 14h00, and after that, it is convenient to inject hot air and use a dehumidifier in the dryer in order to increase its efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)674-683
Number of pages10
JournalCiencia e Agrotecnologia
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2012


  • Air drying
  • Moisture content
  • Relative humidity
  • Solar radiation
  • Temperature


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