A general class of arbitrary order iterative methods for computing generalized inverses

Alicia Cordero, Pablo Soto-Quiros, Juan R. Torregrosa

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8 Scopus citations


A family of iterative schemes for approximating the inverse and generalized inverse of a complex matrix is designed, having arbitrary order of convergence p. For each p, a class of iterative schemes appears, for which we analyze those elements able to converge with very far initial estimations. This class generalizes many known iterative methods which are obtained for particular values of the parameters. The order of convergence is stated in each case, depending on the first non-zero parameter. For different examples, the accessibility of some schemes, that is, the set of initial estimations leading to convergence, is analyzed in order to select those with wider sets. This wideness is related with the value of the first non-zero value of the parameters defining the method. Later on, some numerical examples (academic and also from signal processing) are provided to confirm the theoretical results and to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the new methods.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126381
JournalApplied Mathematics and Computation
StatePublished - 15 Nov 2021


  • Dependence on initial estimations
  • Inverse matrix
  • Iterative method
  • Matrix equations
  • Order of convergence


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